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Let Your Kids (or Yourself) Play in the Dirt More Often

author avatar Dr. Eric Berg 04/22/2024

Remember those days as a kid, getting your hands and knees covered in dirt as you played outside? It seemed like every day was an adventure, right? Turns out, you may have been doing a lot more for yourself than just having fun.

Learn about how contact with dirt can boost immunity and provide multiple other health benefits for people of any age.

The Role of Soil in Child Health

Kids can have a blast while getting dirty in the soil, which benefits their well-being. Our soil is a living ecosystem with beneficial microbes like bacteria and fungi. These microscopic organisms play an essential role in making nutrients available to plants.

The Nutrient-Rich World Beneath Our Feet

Studies show that these microorganisms can benefit human health, too. For instance, they can help strengthen our immune system by exposing us to different antigens, which train our bodies to respond effectively against pathogens.

According to research data, this exposure early on may be why farm-raised children have lower rates of allergies and asthma compared to city dwellers. It seems that growing up getting dirty has some serious perks.

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Building Immunity Through Exposure

Kids playing outdoors get more physical activity and interact with this microbial world directly when they touch the earth or roll around on grassy fields. They unknowingly invite beneficial bacteria into their bodies - something akin to taking probiotics.

Certain soil-dwelling bacteria might even act as natural antidepressants. So next time your child wants outdoor playtime? Let them dig right in.

The Gut-Brain Connection and Outdoor Play

There's a unique relationship between your gut, brain, and the outdoors. This is often called the gut-brain connection, which is an essential communication pathway in our bodies.

Gut Microbes and Immunity

Kids playing in the dirt might make parents cringe, but it could be helping their health. Exposure to different bacteria can boost immunity by stimulating the production of T cells, which help fight off infections.

Moreover, this exposure also plays a vital role in shaping our gut microbiome – trillions of microbes that reside inside us. A diverse microbiome supports immune function, aids digestion, and even influences mood by connecting with the brain.

Outdoor Play and Reduced Risk of Illnesses

Beyond building natural defenses, outdoor play may lower the risk for certain diseases. According to various studies, kids who regularly engage with nature show reduced rates of asthma, allergies, and autoimmune disorders.

This interaction gives kids' immune systems a chance to exercise their response against allergens, thereby reducing overreactions like those seen in allergies or asthma.

The Health Benefits of Nature Exposure for Children

Studies show that exposure to nature can lower inflammation, reduce respiratory illnesses, and improve mental health.

Healthier Kids on Farms

Kids raised on farms often have robust health compared to their city-dwelling peers. This isn't mere coincidence - the secret lies in the dirt. By playing outside, kids encounter diverse microbes that help boost their immunity.

Farm life also exposes children to various natural allergens, helping them build tolerance early in life.

Nature's Antidepressant Effects

Spending time outdoors helps lower stress levels in children as they engage with their environment through play.

A study even revealed that exposure to green spaces significantly reduces symptoms of depression among adolescents. So spending time outdoors with your children may be helpful if you have noticed them feeling down.

Forest Bathing and Phytochemicals for Immune Support

Did you know that forest bathing - or Shinrin-yoku as it's known in Japan - can help boost your immune system?

The secret lies within pine trees. They release compounds called phytochemicals, which have a range of health benefits.

A deep breath during a forest walk means inhaling these beneficial chemicals. Research shows this simple act supports our immune system by increasing the number and activity of natural killer cells – an essential part of our body’s defense against illness.

This doesn’t mean we should all start hugging trees (although, why not?), but regular walks amongst nature are more than just enjoyable; they’re healthy, too.

Cognitive Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Outdoor play isn't just about getting kids to burn off energy. It's also a powerful tool for boosting their IQ and improving mood.

Boosting IQ Through Outdoor Play

The link between outdoor play and cognitive development is well-documented. A research study revealed that kids engaging in more physical activity display superior mental abilities, such as better attention span and memory.

Kids' brains are like sponges, absorbing everything around them. The rich sensory environment outdoors offers plenty to soak up - from the feeling of sand beneath fingers to the sound of leaves crunching underfoot. These experiences feed into learning, helping boost kids' IQ scores.

Mood Enhancement in Natural Environments

Nature doesn't just help with brain power; it's also good for emotional health. A stroll through a forest or even a city park can lift spirits thanks to what researchers call 'nature relatedness.' This sense of connection helps reduce stress levels, fostering happiness and relaxation.

According to researchers at Aarhus University, a child’s mood can significantly improve after spending time outside.

Dealing with Parasites While Kids Playing in the Dirt

As kids explore the world around them, playing in the dirt and engaging in outdoor activities is a natural part of their development. However, exposure to soil and outdoor environments can sometimes increase the risk of parasitic infections.

Parents may consider a parasite cleanse for kids as a precautionary measure to address this concern. It's essential to strike a balance between allowing children to enjoy their outdoor adventures while also taking steps to protect their health.

A parasite cleanse for kids, when administered under the guidance of a healthcare professional, can help ensure their well-being. This proactive approach can help eliminate any potential parasites that may have entered their systems during outdoor play.

Additionally, teaching kids about proper hand hygiene and the importance of washing their hands after playing in the dirt can further reduce the risk of parasitic infections.


Playing in the dirt as a child isn't just fun—it's also beneficial for health. Contact with soil strengthens immunity, improves mood, and enhances cognitive abilities.

However, it's important to balance outdoor play with precautions against parasitic infections, such as proper hand hygiene and considering a parasite cleanse for kids under professional guidance.

Embracing outdoor activities and connecting with nature can lead to a healthier, happier life for people of all ages.

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