How to Cook Juicy Chicken
How to Cook Juicy Chicken

Total Time: 20 minutes
Serves: depends
Per serving: 0 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g carbohydrates, 0 g fat
Lay out chicken. Pat chicken dry with a paper towel. You’re patting the chicken dry because you do not want any extra moisture when you are trying to get a crispy sear on your chicken. The drier the chicken, the crispier the sear.
Start to get a pan hot over medium-high heat. Once the pan is very hot, add oil.
Heavily salt and pepper the chicken.
Drop the chicken into the pan. Make sure that you drop the chicken away from you, so that the hot oil doesn’t splash back at you.
Let the chicken cook on medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes before moving it around. This will help to create a nice crispy sear.
Once you get a golden and crispy sear on the chicken, flip it over. If you are using small pieces of chicken, you should be able to finish cooking it in the pan since it will cook pretty fast. But if you are using a large piece of chicken, you might want to preheat your oven ahead of time @ 350 degrees to finish cooking it in the oven. Once you get a nice sear on your chicken, place it in the oven until the internal temperature is 165 degrees.
Let rest for 5-10 minutes before cutting into for extra juicy chicken!
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